Say U Love Me - Part 1

Say U Love Me - Part 1 by Jason Nature

“Wake up, it’s already morning. You will be late for school.” Says Mom
“Okay, give me few minutes.” Says Annie
“Get up right this moment! You said this last few times and you fell back asleep.
If you don’t get up, I will not pack you your lunch.” Yelled Mom
“Okay, you don’t have to yell at me. I’m getting up now.” Says Annie
Annie finished her breakfast and packs her supplies for school. Then, her brother comes to the table.

“Carlos, you’re lucky that you go to school later than I.” Says Annie
“I don’t like to wait up so early. I’m fear that my body will fell apart from exhaustion in the future.” Yawned Carlos
“Okay, you two stop joking around. Get ready to go now. Annie, you forgot your notebook.” Called Mom
On her way to school, she saw her boyfriend, Mark, buying a bun at the bakery. Annie went in.
“Hey, Mark, you haven’t eaten breakfast?” Asked Annie
“I overslept so I just bought a bun for breakfast.” Replied Mark
“It’s not healthy. You also become thinner than last time I saw you. Maybe I will go to your house today after school and cook for you.” Suggested Annie
“That’s a good idea. I haven’t tasted your meal for a long time. My parents will not be home today so it’s a good time. I love you, my maid.” Joked Mark
“Hey, I’m not your maid. You should be my maid.” Joked and laughed Annie
They fool around and play jokes until they arrive to school.
“Attention, everyone, I have an announcement. Yesterday, Jordan was trying to steal the exam papers. He was caught by a teacher and grounded for a week. We all know that Jordan is a hardworking man but I don’t know he would do this. We don’t know what his personality is like but he had to take the responsibility for stealing the answers to cheat on the exams.” Announced Mrs. Snuffle
“Maybe I should not communicate with him anymore. He is elegant on the outside but evil on the inside.” Thought Annie
“Beside this, there will be an event next day. It’s to celebrate the students who are graduating. Jordan is supposed to sing on the stage but he was removed from the list for stealing the exam papers. He does sing well but prohibiting bad student to perform is to not let them affect others to be like him.” Finished Mrs. Snuffle
“That’s pretty bad. If Jordan didn’t do these, he might be famous in this school.” Thought Annie
After school, Annie waits for Mark at the entrance to go to his school since she had promised him earlier this morning. While waiting for 15 minutes, Annie is tired of waiting.
“What happen to him? He supposes to finish his class 10 minutes ago. Did he forgot or something happen to him?” Thought Annie
“Sorry, I’m late. Something happen.” Rushed Mark
“Hey, you have to pay for the time I waited.” Grumbled Annie
“Okay, what shall I do?” Says Mark in a sweet voice
“Carry me to your house.” Claimed Annie
“That will exhaust my body.” Says Mark
“Hey, you made me wait so long so I don’t want to walk anymore.” Grumbled Annie
“Okay, okay, my dear. Get on my back.” Giggled Mark
Mark carried her all the way to his house.
“Get off now, you’re so heavy. Let me take a breath.” Exhausted Mark
“You need to work out more. Man should be strong to protect its girlfriend.” Says Annie
“I shall do it soon. Okay, let’s cook first so it can give me energy from your love.” Giggled Mark
“Okay, I shall be ready in few minutes.” Replied Annie
After cooking, Annie brings out the food. Mark gobbles it all up.
“How’s my cooking skill? Is it good?” Asked Annie
“It’s good, you will be a chef!” Replied Mark
“You’re so sweet. Here is my special dish, kimbap.” Says Annie
“I love kimbap. You should cook it for me every day.” Giggled Mark
“Hey, don’t treat me like a maid.” Giggled Annie
An hour later, Annie and Mark are watching TV. Annie comes up a conversation.
“Darling, there will be an event tomorrow for celebrating the students who are graduating.” Says Annie
“That’s great. We could go there and grab some gifts and foods.” Excited Mark
“Hey, you always like freebies. What a greedy person.” Joked Annie
“This is saving money. I don’t want to miss this special event to hear people dance and sing.” Joked Mark
Next morning, Annie can’t wait for the event. At school, she finished her math class. When she gets out of her classroom, she sees Jordan. She doesn’t want to talk to him but her next class is the way where he is walking. She walks behind him in slow speed. Then, she sees him going to the locker room.
“He might have a gym class now.” Thought Annie as she goes to her next class
After class, she gets out of her class and sees Jordan exiting the locker room.
“He is wearing different clothes from the one he wore before entering the locker room. That clothing looks like a uniform with a school name printed on it. Does he go to private school after this one?” Puzzled Annie
“Hey, Annie, why are you standing here?” Asked Rachel, Annie’s friend
“Nothing, I have just thinking why Jordan wears a uniform.” Replied Annie
“I heard he goes to private school after this school is over. That school is few blocks away from this one. They provide dorm and food for students to live in. It’s more like a church. He also has to work in labor to cover his fees.” Replied Rachel
“Why he lives there? What happens to his parents?” asked Annie
“His parents died from a car accident. When he was a little child, his house had so many issues going on. His father was so busy working in his company. One day, another company took over his company. His business fell. While driving in a car with the mother, they were talking about finding a job instead. However, the father disagreed working on a regular job might be more stressful to earn money and the economy is not steady yet. The mother said his company cannot be open again because it’s already taken over. The mother and father were arguing at a car. Suddenly, they didn’t pay attention where they are driving. Then, they crashed into a big lorry. When they were sent into hospital, they already passed away. Jordan’s grandparents were very depressed that his parents died. Later, they couldn’t handle the stress and died. His aunts and uncles just left him behind. He didn’t know where they were.” Finished Rachel
“His background is so cruel. If he is a hardworking person, why would he steal exam papers?” Asked Annie
“Who knows?” Questioned Rachel
At the late afternoon, Annie wears a fancy dress for the event. Then, her telephone rings.
“Hello?” Says Annie
“It’s me, Mark. I will be there a little late. You can go there first.” Says Mark
“Okay, what happen?” Asked Annie
“Just a personal issue.” Finished Mark as he hang up
Annie is puzzle because Mark usually tells her about his issue. Anyway, Annie goes to the school gym and sees there are tables full of food. Rachel is there.
“Hey, Rachel, you look pretty today.” Says Annie
“You too. Are you ready to see the great performance?” Asked Rachel
“Yes, let’s see.” Replied Annie
Before the show starts, Annie goes to the table to grab some kimbap. She puts a giant amount of kimbap on her plate. Then, she watches the show begin.
“Hey, are you that hungry? You don’t have to eat this much even you really love kimbap.” Joked Rachel
“Kimbap doesn’t make my stomach full so fast. Besides, it’s healthy. Let’s look at the show now.” Replied Annie
(Few minutes during the show)
“Wow, those students are so talented.” Applauded Annie as she continues eating kimbap
Then, Jordan goes on stage to sing and dance his favorite K-pop music.
“What happen to him? Didn’t he get removed from the list?” Asked Annie
“This morning, he kept on begging the counselor to let him perform because he doesn’t want students to think he is a troublemaker.” Replied Rachel
During Jordan’s performance, Annie watches him sing and dance so closely without picking up her kimbap for the whole time.
“His talent is so perfect. This is the best one I’ve ever seen.” Thought Annie
After singing, everyone applaud at him because it’s really good.
“Seems like a student from private school is stronger than a student from public school.” Claimed Rachel
“If he is this famous, why would he did that bad action?” Puzzled Annie
Later, Annie feels that Mark is still not here yet. She puts down her plate of kimbap and plans to go outside to see if he’s here yet.
“Where are you going?” Asked Rachel
“I’m going to go see if Mark arrives yet.” Replied Annie as she steps out
When she exits, Mark is still not here yet. She goes around the school to see if he’s here. Then, she finally finds him at the garden. Beside him, there is a girl. Annie hides behind the bushes and looks closely. Then, the girl kisses Mark. Annie is shocked. Mark pushes her away immediately.
“Kisa, why are you always bothering me? I already said I don’t like you.” Says Mark
“I really love you. I know you also have feeling for me. We have been together since middle school.” Replied Kisa
“I’m already with Annie. My feeling has her, not you.” Says Mark
“When there’s love, nothing matters. I don’t care whether you are with someone else. Love is love. Even you are married, my heart will always have you.” Explained Kisa
“Can you leave me alone? I really don’t like you.” Grumbled Mark
“Yesterday, in the afternoon, you also carried me into the nurse office. That time you were supposed to meet Annie but you helped me.” Says Kisa
“I just don’t want to see people getting hurt. I’m caring for all people, even Annie.” Says Mark
“I only twisted my ankle that time. You still helped me and your eyes were very serious that time. I know you also love me.” Claimed Kisa
Mark doesn’t want to talk anymore. He got up and leaves the garden.
“I know one day you will love me. It will take time for you to understand me feeling.” Called Kisa as Mark is walking away
Annie hides behind the bushes until Mark leaves. After he passes the bushes, Annie comes out and thinks that is it true that Mark loves Kisa. Later, Annie goes back into the gym. She sits on the chair and doesn’t pick up her kimbap. She doesn’t have any appetite. Suddenly, Jordan comes to him.
“What happen? You look different from the time you walk out? Did something happen?” Asked Jordan
“It’s nothing. I’m just a little sick.” Replied Annie
“I will take you somewhere to sheer you up.” Says Jordan as he grabs her hand
He takes her to the roof. There are plenty of shiny stars at the sky.
“Look, those stars are so shiny. This area is perfect to watch those stars. Those beautiful stars will make you forget those unhappy feeling. Always look forward to continue your happy moment. Think on your positive side.” Says Jordan
Annie’s heart beats really fast and blushes.
“He is so considerate. I think I fell in love with him. But he is just my classmate.” Thought Annie
“Even you have another problem, think on your happy side. Look at positive things to keep you happy and excited.” Smiled Jordan
“I will. My mind will always have your words.” Promised Annie
(Next morning)
“Annie, wake up, it’s already morning.” Called mom
“Okay, I’m already up.” Called Annie as she gets ready for her new day
Annie got ready and goes to the kitchen table for breakfast.
“Annie, can you take me to the mall after school?” Asked Carlos
“Why? You could go by yourself.” Asked Annie
“The shop that I want to go to is too girly. I asked my female friends to go but they had other things to do. A sister should help its younger brother.” Says Carlos
“Okay, whatever, I will only be there for a short period of time. What are you buying anyway.” Asked Annie
“I want to buy a wallet and earphone. Listen, those things are not girly. I don’t know why they make the shop so pink. Boys will be embarrassed to enter.” Says Carlos
“That’s someone else’s idea to decorate the shop.” Giggled Annie
After school, Annie goes to pick up her bother at primary school.
“Yay, you really came. I love you, sister.” Excited Carlos
“Stop being so nasty. People are watching.” Embarrassed Annie
“Brothers and sisters don’t matter.” Smiled Carlos
At the mall, Annie takes Carlos into the shop where he was hoping to go. He picks out things he wants.
“Hey, didn’t you say you only want to buy a wallet and earphone. Why you pick out so many items?” Asked Annie
“These look so cute and attractive. I couldn’t stop picking out cute things.” Rushed Carlos
“Hey, you have enough money?” Asked Annie
“You can help me pay for the rest.” Replied Carlos
“No, no, no. Put it back. That one is useless. You already had that one. I had that one, you could use mine.” Says Annie as she puts some items back
“Hey, no fair, you bought so many stuffs. Why can’t I have so many?” Grumbled Carlo
“You will understand when you grow up and earn money on your own.” Replied Annie
After they bought the items, Carlos wants Annie to take him to the ice cream shop.
“Please, sister, I want to go to that ice cream shop. I really like to eat ice cream.” Begged Carlos
“No, you remember last time? You ate so many ice cream and milkshakes, and then you had a stomachache. It felt like that the money we spent on you went into the toilet.” Says Annie
“This time, it won’t happen anymore. I will just order a small one. Please, trust me this once.” Begged Carlos
“He’s silly. He will do it again.” Thought Annie
“Okay, okay, I will take you there. I don’t want to take you home crying on the way.” Replied Annie
Carlos feels joyful and jumps up and down.
“I want a vanilla sundae, strawberry milkshake, chicken burger, french fries, lemon cupcake, and dozen macaroons.” Says Carlos as he ordered his meal
“Hey hey, hey, this will cause another stomachache again. My money for you will go to the toilet again. Maybe, on a sink.” Joked Annie
“It won’t happen. It’s better to spend our happy moment now. Think positive first. Just focus on the happy side.” Says Carlos
Annie mumbled. Carlos’s words are the same on what Jordan said to her last night. Annie thinks maybe she should forget about Mark.
“Our meal is served. Let’s sit over there, sis.” Says Carlos as he picks up a tray of his favorite food
During eating, Annie and Carlos eat and play jokes. Annie thinks that spending time with her lovely brother is making her happy. She promised that she will continue her happy moment every day.
(Next school day)
“Class is over now. I have to go to my other school later. I really want to take a break.” Says Jordan
“Jordan, we have to go practise now. Our talent show is starting next few weeks.” Called Allan, Jordan’s friend from private school “
Okay, I will go there soon. I have to change into my uniform now.” Says Jordan
“You can change it in the locker room at our school.” Says Allan
“No, I will change it here because I left some of my supplies in my locker.” Replied Jordan
After Jordan is done, they leave the school and go straight to their private school. Jordan goes to the auditorium to practise his singing and dancing with Mr. Frank. Allan goes to the music room to practice his guitar. During practice, Mr. Frank complains about Jordan’s performance.
“Jordan, you have to change your voice on the third line. If one voice change, the song will not sound good. When you dance the twisting part, don’t twist your feet that much.” Continued Mr. Frank
“The teachings in private school are stricter than my previous one. People are serious to earn their education.” Thought Jordan
(At night, Jordan went wearily to his dorm)
“Hey, Jordan, you look tired. You should go to sleep right away.” Says Allan
“I have to unpack and change for bed.” Yawned Jordan
“Alright, don’t stay awake for the whole night.” Replied Allan as he goes to sleep
“I don’t know about Annie. Hope she feels normal now. Even I don’t know what happen last few nights ago but I know she had an issue from her boyfriend. After that day, she never mentions him anymore. I guess that might argued or Mark cheat on her. Her personality changed that time after she came back in the gym. She didn’t even pick up her favourite kimbap. This made me think it’s a relationship problem. She shall get well soon.” Thought Jordan
(Next morning)
“Wake up, Jordan. It’s morning, you have a practice today.” Says Allan
“Okay, I shall get my cup and toothbrush first.” Says Jordan in tiredness
Jordan and Allan went downstairs for breakfast. Today, there is a basket of free peaches. Jordan wants to get one. When he reaches to the counter, the basket is already empty. He feels sad for missing the freebies. After breakfast, Jordan goes to practise his singing.
“Jordan, your voice has to…” Continued Mr. Frank as he teaches
After class, Jordan has to go to his public school. When he steps outside, Chris is waiting for him with a group of people.
“Jordan, you have to help me cheat on the exam today.” Requested Chris
“No, I won’t help you this time. Last time, you made me steal the exam papers and everyone calls me a troublemaker. I don’t want to follow you anymore.” Yelled Jordan
“You are not afraid that I send out this video of you for picking a fried chicken out of the trash and gave it to the customer?” Says Chris as he showed the video from his phone to Jordan
“That time, I accidentally drop the wrapped chicken into the trash. I picked it up so the food won’t be wasted. Besides, the trash didn’t have any wet or stain in it. The trash just had all wasted papers and boxes. The chicken was still clean and the paper wrap didn’t open.” Explained Jordan
“This video would still make the watchers believe you picked a rubbish food for customers to eat.” Says Chris
Jordan got angry and runs to grab Chris’s phone. Chris and his people are fighting with Jordan. Later, Allan comes out of the dorm and sees Jordan was beaten up. He goes to grab the securities to stop them. Finally, Jordan is saved. Allan takes him to nursing office to heal his bruises.
“You are going too far. You can’t defeat so many people.” Complained Allan
“It’s okay. I already got the phone from Chris. Now, I just have to delete the video and take out the memory card.” Replied Jordan
“Never do this again. It can risk your life.” Required Allan
“I shall be careful next time.” Promised Jordan
“Jordan, your body feels so hot. Let me test your temperature.” Says the nurse
After she tests his temperature, she finds that he has a fever. Then, she tests rest of his body.
“Does your chest hurt when I push little harder?” Asked the nurse
“Aw, it hurts. I don’t seem to feel comfortable on breathing.” Says Jordan
“I think you should go to the doctor. I shall report it to Dr. Mann for him to give you a check up.” Requested the nurse
Minutes later, Dr. Mann comes in and checks Jordan up. Later, he identifies that Jordan has pneumonia. Dr. Mann calls the ambulance to take him to the hospital. At the evening, Jordan has to stay in the hospital to heal his disease.
“See, I told you don’t push so hard on you. You are tired every day and got into a fight can easily cause a sickness.” Claimed Allan “
I don’t know this pneumonia will be form so easily. I think I might get cured.” Says Jordan
(Few days later)
“Everyone, I have an announcement. Jordan is hospitalized. He was fighting with the real troublemaker whom made him to steal the exam papers last week. This distinguishes that he is innocent. Jordan is a hard working man who did so many works and ended up being in a hospital. I would like everyone to write a card to him for an apology and wishes him to heal up soon.” Explained Mrs. Snuffle
“I knew it. Jordan will never do such a bad thing. He really is a hard working person. I feel like that I want to see him after school. Maybe I fall in love with him.” Thought Annie
During class, everyone is making a card for Jordan. Annie puts so many words for him. “Hey, Annie, you seem like you like him.” Says Rachel “Hey, stop joking around with me.” Says Annie
“Then why you put so many romantic words? You put ‘hope you get well, generous man’, ‘wish you have your heart’, ‘feel the positive side inside of you’, …” Continued Rachel
“Okay, this is not romance. I just treat him as a good friend. He is innocent and a hardworking person. I wrote these are to cheer him up.” Says Annie as she blushed
“Hey, hey, you blush. I know you love him.” Giggled Rachel
Annie and Rachel joke around until the class period is over. At the cafeteria, Annie sits at a table for her lunch. She takes out a pack of breads, peach, glass box of salad, and water bottle. Before she starts eating, Mark comes to her.
“Annie, why these days you never respond my calls? Have I did something wrong that made you angry? I can correct myself.” Asked Mark
“You know what you did. You can’t correct yourself.” Yelled Annie
“Please tell me what’s wrong, so we can get over this situation.” Cried Mark
“Don’t act you didn’t know anything. You know that I stop contacting you after the event on celebration. That night, I went out to search for you. I found you and Kisa were kissing. I overheard all your conversation. I know that you also love Kisa because I can feel your heart. You only come to me after a week from not contacting. This shows that you love her. You show that you have no feeling for her but you have no specific reason on why you don’t like her.” Explained Annie
Mark mumbled for a while. Then, he speaks up.
“It‘s not what you think. I love you, not her.” Replied Mark
“What’s the reason that you don’t like her?” Asked Annie
“She keeps bothering me. I don’t like when a girl keep on bothering a man even he doesn’t likes her.” Replied Mark
“Then, tell me. What’s the reason that you come to me after a week? You should come to my house or meet me at school. You never did these. Tell me why?” Yelled Annie
“Hmm, because I think you are mad so I want you to calm down a little while. Then I will talk to you.” Replied Mark
“You’re lying. Your face tells me that you are not telling the truth. If you don’t tell the truth, never see me again.” Argued Annie
“Wait, I will tell you. These days, I went out with Kisa to talk to her about the issue. I took her to the cinema, park, each others’ house, and restaurants. I wanted to let her see that I’m the man who doesn’t fit her.” Explained Mark
“This is showing that you are going on a date with her. You do love her. Since you two know each other since childhood, this is real love. You also don’t seem to like me that much from the way you talk. When I see you left Kisa during that night, your face expressed a miserable feeling. You love Kisa, not me.” Claimed Annie
There is a long pause. Mark doesn’t know what to say.
“At this moment, this shows that you do love Kisa from having no reason to defend my claim. You understand it.” Finished Annie as she leaves the cafeteria
After school, Annie talks to Mrs. Snuffle to bring the cards to Jordan. Then, she goes to the hospital to see Jordan. After she got the room number from the nurse, she goes search for the room. At last, she finds it and enters.
“Hello, Jordan, I heard about your situation. These cards are to represent the students’ apology for thinking you stole the exam papers. They also want you to get well soon.” Explained Annie
“Thank you. Tell them not to worry about me. This is already good.” Says Jordan
Annie blushes because her heart is all Jordan. She admits that she loves Jordan.
“What do you think about my card?” Asked Annie
“It’s good. I will follow your way to stay happy.” Replied Jordan
“I have to tell him that I love him. I don’t know if he loves me. It shall be good if he says ‘I love you’ to me.” Thought Annie
“I heard about your background. Never give up. Your aunts and uncles will come back.” Says Annie
“I don’t like to think about the negative parts. Hope they l will.” Says Jordan
“Have you thought about finding a girlfriend? I guess she will give you hope and cheers.” Asked Annie
“I never think of this. It will be perfect to have someone by my side every day and keep me happy.” Replied Jordan
“So, what do you think finding one? Have you loved anyone?” Asked Annie
“I often use my time on my career and work. I didn’t have time to find one. Hope I have one now.” Claimed Jordan
Annie really wants him to know that she loves him. She doesn’t know whether her words can let him know. Suddenly, someone comes into the room.
“Hello, boy; long time no see.” Says Trolley, Jordan’s First uncle
“We were surprised to hear that you were hospitalized.” Says Jimmy, Jordan’s Second Uncle
“We were worried about your health?” Says Susie, Jordan’s Third Aunt
“We came to see you.” Says Nanny, Jordan’s Second Aunt
“It’s a long story to explain why we left you.” Says May, Jordan’s First Aunt
“Aunts. Uncles. I’m so glad to see you all again.” Cried Jordan
“We heard what happened. You really are working hard.” Says Jimmy
“We come to apologize that we left you for so long. It’s a long story.” Says Susie
“At first, we were in big debt. That time, Trolley and Jimmy were always gambling and owned people too much money. We, aunts, were drinking and smoking all the time for stress. This is the same go for Trolley and Jimmy. We fled away so the people won’t hurt us. We left you because we didn’t want you to get hurt.” Explained Nanny
“That time, we stop doing those bad habits. According to this, we believe in religion and trust what we had did is more harmful.” Explained May
“Then, we began to work again and work harder than a regular person. Whenever we earn couple money, we send it to the place you lived to pay off certain amount of fees.” Explained Trolley
“After our debt is all paid, we plan to come back. Just recently, we heard you were hospitalized so we bought the earliest plane ticket to see you.” Explained Jimmy
“You can yell at us for this. We also feel bad for leaving you this long after your parents and grandparents passed away.” Says Nanny
“It’s okay. If I see you all are here, I’m already happy. You are my most important people. I don’t mind that you left me for those years. My heart still has all of you.” Cried Jordan
“We have also restarted your father’s company. This way, you will work in your father’s business to achieve his wish. He wishes that you will be on his business to help more people. We shall also help improve your father’s Environment Organization Company.” Says Susie
“Your father wants to change his company to this. However, another company took over his business so he has a shortage of fund to change it into Environment Organization Company.” Explained May
“Yes, he always wants to help children with disability, poor people, hungry children, donation, cleaning the environment, and developing happiness for everyone. You wish you can also help bring happiness to everyone.” Explained Jimmy
“Here is your father’s letters. Those are all Thank You letters from the donations and companies what he had helped. He wishes you will also be like him.” Says Trolley as he handed Jordan the letters
Jordan cries. Then, everyone cries.
“Thank you, I will try my best to make my father happy in heaven.” Cried Jordan as he hugs everyone
Annie feels touched and cries too. She goes out because she doesn’t want to be in among their family back-together moment. She really loves Jordan now.
(Next day)
“Annie, someone is here to see you.” Called Mom from downstairs
“Who is it?” Asked Annie as she goes downstairs
“Annie, I want to talk to you.” Says Mark waiting for Annie on the couch
“I know what you meant that time at the cafeteria. When Kisa was injured, I really felt romantic into her. I knew her since middle school. When I was with her, I did felt some love inside me.” Explained Mark
“Now you know. You know what you will do next?” Asked Annie
“I shall explain my feeling to Kisa that she really is my love. Thank you, Annie. You are my best friend.” Replied Mark as he hugs her and leaves
“Seems like Mark really knows who belongs to him.” Says Mom behind the couch
“I already know that he belongs to Kisa. I saw his happiness is created from Kisa, not me.” Says Annie
“You have grown up these days. People should know which person belongs to them from their heart.” Says Mom
Hearing those words, Annie thinks that the person who’s in her heart is Jordan. She wishes that Jordan would also see that she loves him. She plans to go to her room to take a rest. On her way, she sees Carlos is drawing at his room.
“Carlos, what are you doing?” Asked Annie at the doorway
“I’m drawing a comic. I want to improve me drawing skills so I can win the art contest in the future.” Replied Carlos as he continues to draw
“Let me see. Wow, what a nice picture! You will definitely become a famous artist.” Amazed Annie
“Thank you. I want to try drawing pictures with copic markers.” Says Carlos
“Copic markers are expensive. You should buy it after your artwork is perfect.” Claimed Annie
“But I really want to use it to try drawing a perfect picture.” Says Carlos
“You have to learn to draw it nicely with crayon or color pencils. Becoming an artist requires many tasks.” Says Annie
“Adult society is difficult to live these days. I wish I can enter children’s world.” Claimed Carlos as Annie laughs
“Okay, okay, if you receive all A+ on your artwork and win the contest, I will buy you a huge pack of copic markers.” Requested Annie
“Yay! I love you, sis. I will try my best to impress you.” Cheered Carlos
“Carlos, Annie, it is lunch time. Come down and eat.” Called Mom from downstairs
Carlos and Annie go downstairs and go straight to the table.
“Your lamian is on the counter. Get yours to the table.” Says Mom who’s making something in the kitchen
“Can you get mines here?” Asked Carlos
“Why you don’t get it yourself?” Asked Annie
“My hands are already tired from drawing.” Replied Carlos
“Stop being so lazy, you have to face more problems like this in the future. Learn to handle it.” Says Annie
“Alright, I shall get mines here.” Says Carlos
“I have made this dish of kimbap for you two.” Says Mom as she puts down a plate of kimbap
This has reminded Annie that her favorite moment is back.
“When I eat this, I feel that a new life is coming toward me. I shall begin my old custom again and find the person who loves me.” Thought Annie
(Next day)
“This shall be enough.” Says Allan as he pays the bill to the cashier
Allan goes to the hospital to see Jordan who is almost healing. After he arrives, Jordan is reading a book on bed.
“Jordan, I brought a box of cupcakes for you. I told the people put less sugar in it so you can eat it.” Says Allan
“Thank you, I am healing soon. Having few grams of sugar is okay.” Says Jordan
“By the way, you and your relatives finally got back together. You don’t have to worry about school bills.” Says Allan
“That’s good. I just want to be like my father who wants to help people around the world.” Says Jordan
“Your bottle has no more water now. I shall go help you fill it up with warm water.” Claimed Allan as he takes the bottle with him when he steps out of the room
At that moment, Annie comes into the room.
“Hello, Jordan, how are you feeling now?” Asked Annie
“I shall be cure soon. My health is fine.” Replied Jordan
“I brought some white breads for you.” Says Annie as she puts down a bag of breads
“Thank you.” Replied Jordan
“I want to tell you something. Ever since the first time we met, I really like your altitude and talents. Your personality is really nice and helpful. When I saw you and your relatives have good relationships, I felt that you really are a caring person. I really like your person.” Says Annie
“I also like you for being on my side and help me out. You really change so much after the time when I talk to you during the celebration night. You are really learning and changing so much. I like your personality.” Says Jordan
“Does it make you think that you have some feeling for me?” Asked Annie
“You are my best friend. Hope we can keep this friendship for a long time.” Replied Jordan
Annie really wants to let Jordan know that she loves him, not only likes him.
“It’s time for me to leave now. See you next time.” Says Annie in miserable feeling
As Annie leaves, Allan comes in.
“Jordan, I saw everything. I was outside overhearing you and Annie’s conversation. You are really so late. You don’t know what Annie wants you to say.” Grumbled Allan
“What do you mean? She just asked me if we are good friends.” Asked Jordan
“Can you use your knowledge to know what she really wants to hear? That’s not the main topic that she wants to hear. You are intelligent on education and society but you should study more on romance.” Replied Allan
“You know what she wants? What is it?” Asked Jordan
“I don’t want to expose out the answer. You have to find out by yourself since you are a man.” Replied Allan
Jordan is puzzled. He thinks he might know what Allan means.
To be continue...


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