The Teddy Bear - Episode 2

After school, they went home to get change and bring their equipments for the camp. Then, they leave to meet each other at their assigned location.
"We're here. Let's go." Called Ryo as they went to take the train to ride near mountain side
During the long trip, they eat and sleep until they arrive. Last, they went on a bus to take them near the mountain with full of trees and lakes.
"Okay, let's prepare the tent and the equipments to prepare for tomorrow's journey. We are going to hike to that mountain and spend the night there." Requested Ryo
"Why don't we just go hiking now? Hiking in the dark is more fun." Asked Masaku
"Are you crazy! We can't see things clearly. We can get hurt or attack by the wild animals." Rejected Ryo
"But hazardous event is much fun. This is what hiking is." Excited Masaku
"Just be calm and wait for tomorrow. We don't want to lose a piece of us. Don't get too overwhelmed." Said Toshihiro
Masaku and Toshihiro prepare the tent and supplies for tomorrow. Ryo went to prepare dinner. He went to a tree and pick out some worms on the dirt. Then, he took out his fishing bait to catch some fish. 20 Minutes later, he caught 8 fish.
"Wow, you are good at catching fish with bait than using scoop catching goldfish." Cheered Masaku
As he caught another fish, he thinks it's enough so he bring the fish to cook. First, he rinse off the pieces from the fish skin and cut the fish open to wash the inside. Then, he uses his card to slice the ginger, garlic, peppers, and onions on his phone as cutting board. Next, he put the ingredients inside the fish. Later, he put hand sanitizer into a bow of water and then spray a bottle of chemical into the bowl. Then, he put his hand into the bowl and took it out. Next, he turn on the fire machine into his hand and it burns with big flame. His hand was not burn. He put the fish to his flaming hand to cook the fish.
"Wow, that was amazing and creative. We could just gather pieces of branches together and burn it to cook." Requested Masaku
"This is to save trees. There is no only one way to do something." Replied Ryo
"I should try this someday." Said Toshihiro
After all the fish is cooked, they gobble it all up because it taste delicious.
"I have boiled the river water 3 times so the water is extremely clean." Called Ryo
"Great. Now we can have enough water for tomorrow." Said Masaku
Then, they went to sleep in their tent. It was their best journey.
(Next morning)
"Guys, I will prepare breakfast now." Called Ryo as Masaku and Toshihiro still sleeping
Today, he picked some food from the forest. He picked squash, roots, nuts, lettuce, tomato, and spinaches. He cut them into pieces with his card. Then, he took out his water kettle and put sauces in the water. When it was boiling, he put the ingredients in multiple sticks that he cut out. Then, he put them into the kettle to let it boiled. Luckily, he bought a battery saver to run the kettle. Next, he made the flour into bun and stick it into the kettle to let it heat.
"You finished cooking." Asked Masaku while yawning
"Yes, here are some skewer and buns. Wash your hands." Said Ryo
"Teach me next time." Said Toshihiro
After they're done, they pack up and start hiking at the mountain. While walking, Ryo pick out some strawberries, kiwis, blueberries, raspberries, oranges, and apples for later meal. Masaku kept on looking at the wild and taking photos. Toshihiro is so intense to see the wild. When they arrive near the lake, they plan to take a rest.
"Anyone want some ice cream?" Asked Ryo
"How can you make it?" Asked Masaku
"You will see." Flirted Ryo
While preparing, Toshihiro went to build up the fire and Masaku pick some ingredients from the forest. Ryo fold the metal paper into 3 bowls. Then he uses his card to slice the strawberries, kiwi, blueberry, raspberry, oranges, and apples. Later, he wet his scarf from the lake. After, he took out a CO2 fire extinguisher and release it whiling covering the tap with his wet scarf. Then, his scarf has dry ice in it. He mix the sliced fruits with milk and put the ice in it to freeze it. Seconds later, the fruit cream became ice cream.
"Look! I caught a duck. Here is a basket of edible leaves, beetroot, carrot, and mushrooms." Excited Masaku
"Have a snack here and I will prepare lunch." Said Ryo
"Wow, how did you make ice cream?" Asked Masaku curiously
"Not sharing my secrets." Stated Ryo
"Fire is ready." Called Toshihiro
"I don't need fire. You guys can have it." Said Ryo
"How can you cook without fire?" Asked Toshihiro
"You will see." Giggled Ryo as he goes to prepare lunch
"Here, he made us ice cream. We can cook the fish he caught yesterday and cook it. I'm too afraid to flame my hand to cook it." Said Masaku
"He's so creative on knowing how to make these food in unique way." Stated Toshihiro
"Seem like you feel happy now." Said Masaku
"This is life. We have to move on." Replied Toshihiro
"I know what happen to you in the past. You got scammed and cyber bullied by group of people you trusted. After meeting new people, their personality changed overtime. You also faced child abuse, neglect, and harassment. You don't wanted to move here but to avoid your cruel life, you had no choice but move." Said Masaku
"They did those to innocent people is for their own good but they have to feel doing betraying actions won't bring themselves or others benefit. Even family members did this is so cruel." Explained Toshihiro
"I'm also like for on facing afflictions. Almost everyone has it. That's why I keep smiling and playing jokes is to keep us and surroundings happy. When people see someone smile, they will also smile. Being down will make things worse. Hate their afflictions and learn to deal with it in good way." Stated Masaku
"Guys, I finished making roasted duck!" Called Ryo
"How did you make that without fire?" Asked Masaku
"With magnifying glass." Replied Ryo
"Really want to know all your tricks." Wished Masaku
Suddenly, they begin eating their lunch.
"It taste so different from store made." Applauded Toshihiro
"I just used my spare time to make anything I can imagine." Said Ryo
After eating, they continue their journey. They were climbing up the mountain to challenge if they can make it. After 2 hours, they got tired because walking up is so much strength. Masaku is sweating and asked to rest for a bit.
"Come on, we just rest 20 minutes ago. You get tired so quick means you are out of shape." Said Ryo
"I can't handle walking upwards for 2 hours. Body ran out of energy." Explained Masaku
"You drank 8 bottles of water already. Your stomach seem to can fill anything." Joked Ryo
"We're almost to the top. Keep trying." Said Toshihiro
Another period of climbing and climbing, they finally reach the top.
"Yahooooo!" Yelled Ryo
"Yahooooo!" Yelled Masaku
"I think I should yell out loud to remove the afflictions." Thought Toshihiro
"Yahooooooooooo!" Yelled Toshihiro in loud voice
"That's right! Yell out can carry out the negative feelings." Called Masaku
"We are the kings!" Yelled Ryo
"Go away you dumb school education!" Yelled Masaku
"Yahoooooo, go away you selfish and greedy personality. Go away you afflictions!" Yelled Toshihiro
After releasing their bad deeds, they sat down for a rest after hours of climbing.
"Seeing this high view is rare." Claimed Ryo
"Yeah, let's enjoy the view." Said Masaku
"We shall use this opportunity to change into better position." Said Toshihiro
"When there is an opportunity, take the chance to learn." Claimed Masaku
Hours later, they plan to climb back down. Whiling climbing, Toshihiro thinks about his plan.
"Upon learning, I have to use this opportunity to enjoy my life here. This is my home." Thought Toshihiro
“By the way, Toshihiro, what are you going to do after heading back?” Asked Masaku
“I’m going to try my best to improve my work because success requires actions.” Replied Toshihiro
“I saw you were knitting a blanket on your bed. What is that?” Asked Masaku
“That was a scarf. I plan to finish it before winter. This way, don’t have to spend money on expensive scarf.” Replied Toshihiro
“You could sell your handmade scarf so you can earn income.” Recommended Mask
“That means I have to do this full time making multiple scarves. Or have to risk my capital on selling.” Rejected Toshihiro
“You could sell it online instead.” Recommended Masaku
“I will see.” Said Toshihiro
“Guys, it’s getting late. Let’s camp here.” Called Ryo
“Seem like we often camp near the lake.” Stated Masaku
“I will prepare dinner.” Said Rio
Masaku went to prepare the tent while Toshihiro helps. Ryo took out a zongzi and take out a finger of into a string. He throws it into the lake and wait for a fish. Then, he caught a crayfish. He put multiple pieces of zongzi into a stick with string wrap around. Next, he throws it into a lake again. Moments later, he caught handful of crayfish. After he caught a bucket of crayfish, he carry it to a popcorn popper he brought. He throws the crayfish into his popper and pop it to cook the crayfish. After it pop, he places the crayfish into his plate. Then, put a few sauce on it.
“Ryo, there is still a whole chicken meat in the box we brought.” Called Masaku as he is taking out the supplies
“I will cook it. Hand it to me.” Requested Ryo as Masaku hand him the chicken
Ryo cuts the chicken and cut gingers, garlics, onions, lettuce, broccoli, and tomato with his card on a wooden board he brought. Then, he place the ingredients into the chicken and wrap it around with metal paper. Then, he dig a hole on the dirt and place the chicken in it. Next, he put a bag of lava rocks on top the the wrapped chicken. He spill a few paint on the rocks and durn it with matches. While waiting, he cut out mushrooms, corns, lettuce, boy choy, fried tofu, and fish balls. He cut out a metal paper and make it into a big box. Then, he light a few candles inside a plastic box with holes under the metal box full of ingredients. Next, he add sauces and water in the box.
“Why you don’t burn the woods and cook it under?” Asked Masaku
“This is to save trees and release more oxygen.” Replied Ryo
Minutes later, the box is boiling and the food is cooked. He serves the food on the plate and put new ingredients in. While waiting, he went to dig out the wrapped chicken. It was well-cooked. He carries the chicken, hot pot, and crayfish to the tent.
“Wow! You are definitely so creative. I should be your student.” Cheered Masaku
“Learning life hacks are fun.” Applauded Toshihiro
“Everyone has their own skill. Let’s dig in.” Replied Ryo
“Mmmmm, this taste so good!” Rejoiced Masaku
“Doing all this is hard. Love it.” Joyed Toshihiro
“Glad you guys like it.” Pleased Ryo
After they finish their meal, Ryo and Toshihiro went wash the dishes and utensils. Masaku took all the used plastic cup and wash it. Then, he picks up handful of thin shiny rocks. He staples the cups together in a line and staples it again into a ball shape. Then, he tapes the rocks into the ball, making it look like the moon in shining in the tent. He attaches it on top of the tent with strong glue. Next he also attaches the remaining rocks on top of the tent. Now, it looks like they are sleeping under the shinning sky with moon.
“Wow, you are also creative!” Cheered Ryo
“This is from my imagination.” Said Masaku
“See, everyone has their own talent.” Stated Ryo
“You are also a creative person.” Delighted Toshihiro
At night, they went to see. They feel wild and joyous for sleeping at the forest with stars and moonlight shining at the tent and the rocks shines at them.
“Glad we keep trying to achieve our goals.” Whispered Toshihiro
“Just keep working on it. Don’t always daydream.” Whispered Masaku
They felt asleep joyously.
(Next morning)
Ryo woke up early. He place the water into a garment steamer and pick up several sticks. He made it into a bird nest. Then, he takes out the buns from the food box and place it on the nest. When the steamer is boiling out the air, he place the nest on top of it and covers the nest with a bowl. Suddenly, Masaku and Toshihiro got up.
“You are using a garment steamer to cook the buns? That’s amazing.” Cheered Masaku
“You guys should wash up now. Breakfast will be ready.” Said Ryo
Minutes later, the buns are ready. Later, he picked out some strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, cranberries, oranges, and tangerines. He squeeze them with the squeezer he brought. Next, he mix different juices into different cup for different taste like a bar waiter. After Masaku and Toshihiro are done. They are ready for breakfast.
“You are sure a wild cooker.” Cheered Masaku
“We will be leaving today. Get the chance to enjoy this wild handmade meal.” Said Ryo
After they’re done, they pack up and continue hiking. 2 hours later, he reached the station and ready to head back.
“This is a fun journey.” Said Ryo
“You even showed us how you cook in the wild. That was the amazing part.” Cheered Masaku
“Nah, you also use your creativity making a comfortable sleeping environment for us in the tent.” Cheered Ryo
“That was nothing. We are all learning.” Joyed Masaku
“You guys are both great. This is a wonderful journey!” Applauded Toshihiro
When the bus arrives, they ride back to their home. When they got back, it was already 2am.
“This feels like we just got back from our long journey that we accomplished.” Said Masaku
“Returning to normal life is like returning to suffering.” Claimed Ryo
“Let’s just learn new things and learn to overcome sufferings.” Stated Toshihiro
They all agree and promise together after holding hands. Then, they went to sleep.
(On the other hand, Ayako was making a teddy bear at the same time)
“Have not seen Toshihiro in a long time. He seems to have so much fun hiking. It took me time to learn how to knit a teddy bear. I’m not even half-way through. This is such a disappointment. I planned to keep him motivated with this after he gets back. To show I can learn his skill to represent we can keep learning new things to succeed. However, he is coming back today and I didn’t fully complete it. Maybe I have to change my life.” Said Ayako as she is knitting
(Next morning)
“Ayako, why are you sleeping on your desk. Did you stay overnight again?” Called Shinko, Ayako’s brother
She didn’t respond.
“She is still sleeping. What’s this?” Interested Shinko as he picks up the teddy bear. “So this is the reason she stays up late every day."
"What's this? A card?" Suspected Shinko as he picks up the card and reads it. "She likes a boy named Toshihiro? What a dreamboat."
"Is she giving it to a boy she likes?” Giggled Shinko
He puts it down and left the room for her to sleep
(On the other hand, Toshihiro woke up)
“I shall continue my knitting now. Wonder how Ayako is doing. Have not seen her in a long time.” Said Toshihiro
Toshihiro packs his stuff and go straight to the school library which is open long hours and quiet. He plans to finish his work in a quiet place. While walking, he sees a poster at a store showing steps of making a teddy bear. Suddenly, he thinks about making one since he wants to try something new. Later, he buys some supplies from the art shop. He is confident to do his research and knitting in the library. At the library, he searches online on how to make a teddy bear and prepare the materials to make one. It took him hours getting the ideas and finish the head. (To be continue)...


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