
     Hello, everyone. This is Jason Nature. I'm a beginner doing this blogger. There are so many things that I don't know how to do in Blogger. There might be some awkward mistakes I've made😅. Have to keep using to understand how to publish and monetize this website. I learn slow; please excuse my content. I will be creating stories that are related to my personal life and the shows I have watch. Therefore, feel free to look at my comics on my Facebook page, Instagram, Twitter, and Tumblr. Also, videos are upload to my YouTube channel. I am a new creator and so many things are unfamiliar to me. Don't forget to support me on Patreon. If you like the content, don't forget to subscribe, like, comment, or share. Only if you want it; no pressure😄. 

  • Facebook: @jasonnature
- The site where all my artwork are located. All the comic translations are in here. 
  • Twitter: @jason_nature
- Comics, daily tweets, and sharings 
  • Instagram: @jasonnature
- Most are comics, nature photos, and cuisine photos. Vlogs available at Instagram story.
  • Tumblr: naturelifeparadise
- Comics, blogs, and story sharing 
  • YouTube: Jason Nature
- Videos of DIY, cooking, and vlogs
  • Patreon: Jason Nature
- Everything from all medias will be located into Patreon. Patrons can earn rewards. You will have PDF file of the story, PSD file of art, advance video viewing, and additional work not posted into media. You can have it with your name print on it. 
  • DeviantArt: jasonnature.deviantart
- All artwork will be submit into DeviantArt


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