The Teddy Bear - Episode 3

     Toshihiro packs his stuff and go straight to the school library which is open long hours and quiet. He plans to finish his work in a quiet place. While walking, he sees a poster at a store showing steps of making a teddy bear. Suddenly, he thinks about making one since he wants to try something new. Later, he buys some supplies from the art shop. He is confident to do his research and knitting in the library. At the library, he searches online on how to make a teddy bear and prepare the materials to make one. It took him hours getting the ideas and finish the head. 
     (At Ayako's side)
     "Wake up, Ayako! Don't fall asleep while eating." Said mom
     "Sorry." Yawned Ayako
     "What have you been doing? You seem to stay up late every night." Asked mom
     "Just working on something." Replied Ayako
     "Don't push yourself." Taught mom
     While eating, Ayako still feel sleepy. Suddenly, Shinko appears. 
     "Does learning to make a perfect bear cause you be like this? Does the boy you like really make you go this far?" Asked Shinko
     Ayako woke up completely in surprised on puzzling on how Shinko knows her secret.
     "Hey, how did you know about this!?" Asked Ayako
     "I saw your half-way finished bear while you were sleeping on your desk. You like Toshihiro?" Flirted Shinko
     "What!? How dare you peak at my privacy." Blushed Ayako
     "Just finding what you're doing for staying up late every day. It appears at my sight. I didn't search your stuff." Explained Shinko
     Ayako blushed
     "You do like him. You blushed." Fooled Shinko
     "Don't tell mom. I want to keep this as a secret and don't see my privacy again." Requested Ayako as she runs upstairs in blush
     She got to her desk and continue making her teddy bear. 
     "This can't be love. I just want to make this for him to cheer him up from his affliction. Is this true love? We're just friends." Thought Ayako as she continuously think and knit
     Suddenly, she accidentally pins her finger while thinking. 
     "Ouch! That hurts. Is this really love? This can't be. I decide not to be in romance anymore after Kyo left me." Worried Ayako
     Next, she went searching for her dairy from high school. When she found it, she opens the book to the time when Kyo and her were dating. 
     (Flash Back) 
     In high school, Ayako was in the library trying to get the book at the top shelf. 
     "You need help?" Asked a boy
     "Yes, I'm trying to get that brown book at the top shelf." Replied Ayako
     "I can lift you up and get it." Said the boy as he lifts her up and she got the book
     "Thank you. You're so strong." Cheered Ayako
     "That was nothing. I do weight training often. By the way, I'm Kyo." Introduced Kyo
     "I'm Ayako." Introduced Ayako 
     Ever since that day, they begin talking and working together on school. One day, they were hanging out at the fair. 
     "I'm going to catch that bear for you." Promised Kyo
     Then, he did. And he gives it to Ayako
     "Thank you." Said Ayako
     "Will you date me? This is representing us." Requested Kyo
     "......." Mumbled Ayako. "Yes."
     Kyo smiles and hold Ayako's hand. That's the time their relationship starts. Ayako decides to give it a try. After months dating, Ayako felt in love with him because he protects her from bad people, gives her benefits, and stays on her side. Whenever she folds up the bear he caught for her, it represents the first time they met. One day, Kyo is with Ayako at lunch. 
     "After all these months dating, I have true feelings on you. You are like my lover." Explained Kyo 
     "I also love you. We are lovers. The bear will represent the first time you are with me." Flirted Ayako
     Before the end of the semester, Ayako plans to held a vacation for Kyo and her to travel. This is like sending each others' love. At the hallway, she saw Kyo is talking to a boy. 
     "Kyo, you have won the bet. You can have my iPad. Never knew you actually got her to be your lover." Said Tomito, Kyo's friend
     "I don't think this is a bet anymore. I really felt in love with her." Said Kyo
     "Did you fell in love with her after months playing her love?" Asked Tomito
     "After playing, I found she really is my part." Stated Kyo
     "I couldn't believe you did this to me!" Shouted Ayako jumping out after eavesdropping
     "I didn't meant to hide from you. Now, I really love you. After dating you for months, this is not a game anymore. I really have feelings for you. I remember the time I ask you to become my lover, my heart jumps. It was the feeing to reveal my true love to you." Explained Kyo
     "How should I believe you?" Said Ayako
     Kyo hold Ayako's shoulders and kiss her in front of everyone. She was surprised. 
     "Now you believe me?" Asked Kyo 
     "I believe you." Blushed Ayako
     Everyone applauds them. After that, they met each other's parents and spend time with them. Then, they went on vacation and surfing. Had so much fun. At Ayako's home, her parents were cheering that Kyo is such a responsible and nice man. They tell Ayako to marry him. But she's not ready. On the next day, they plan a party for Ayako's birthday. Kyo' family and friends all came; same as Ayako's. During the party, people were pushing Ayako and Kyo to sit together because they're big lovers. 
     "Ayako, I have something to show you." Said Kyo as he took out a small box
     It was a ring. 
     "Will you marry me?" Asked Kyo
     Ayako doesn't know what to say. She's too nervous.
     "Marry him, he's such a nice boy." Said mom
     "This man is endanger now. Don't miss this chance." Said Kyo's parents 
     "Be with him. Your life will be happy when you say 'yes'." Called everyone
     Suddenly, Ayako has her answer.
     "Yes." Replied Ayako
     Kyo is enthusiastic and hugs her. Everyone cheers and whistles. After that day, they help each others' work and travel together. When they were touring Osaka, Ayako ask Kyo one question. 
     "Will you be by my side together?" Asked Ayako 
     "Yes, I will always be here when you need me." Replied Kyo
     They were more than lovers. They are planning their wedding. One day, Ayako and Kyo were choosing their style and dress. Suddenly, Kyo said he has to leave for a bit. Ayako let him go and continue choosing her dress. After 30 minutes, she is worry about Kyo for being gone so long. She went out to check on him. She searches around the mall until she finds Kyo. He was sitting at the food court with a woman. Ayako sits across them hiding behind the big plant on the table. 
     "Okay, I have explained all the reason to you already that I don't like you." Said Kyo
     "You said you love me before and now you change your mind?!" Cried Myaka 
     "I don't have the feeling anymore. Now, I'm planning to get marry because I found my love already." Said Kyo
     "You have dated me for 3 years and said you will always be here whenever I needs you. Now you took back that word; is so irresponsible." Cried Myaka 
     "My feeling is already gone. When I be with Ayako, I found she's my world's only puzzle; the only love." Explained Kyo
     "You said that to me before. You are just a playboy. Previously, you rejected so many women's offer because you always said base on your feeling. You are just picky and breaking women's heart. That's why you never find a girlfriend. I bet once you get married, you will lose the feeling in the future." Angered Myaka as she stands up pointing at him
     "Then, what do you want?! If you want money, I can give it to you." Said Kyo
     "This is not about money. You are too overwhelmed for being manly. You are not a manly man; you are an irresponsible man and a playboy! I contacted your ex-girlfriends before, they all said the same. You were so responsible and romantic at the first place. After you loose your feeling, you trash them. You are treating women as toys. That's why you divorce your ex-wife. If two can live happily together, that is already romantic. Trash people base in your feeling is such a playboy." Yelled Myaka as she splashes water at his face and slap him, then she leaves
     As Kyo also leaves, Ayako hides under the table until he is gone. When she comes out, Ayako couldn't believe what she heard. Kyo had so many ex-girlfriends and an ex-wife. He might trash her when his feeling disappears. Ayako leaves the mall and rush home. Kyo left so many calls but she never picks up. 
     (A week later) 
     "Have you two plan your wedding?" Asked mom
     "There is some conflict going on. We are still working on it." Replied Ayako
     "Okay, hope you two are okay. Couples are usually like this before the wedding." Said mom
     Ayako thinks back that Kyo met her from betting with his friend. He said he loves me from his feeling. What happen if the feeling is gone in the future? He will trash her like his ex-wife. Recently, Ayako realize Kyo hasn't contact her a few days. She thinks he might want to give her space. Then, she takes a walk outside to calm down. After 2 hours walking, she sees Kyo talking to a woman at the park. She hides behind the bushes and listen. 
     "I feel that I have feeling for you." Said Kyo
     "But we just met few days ago." Asked Tanagaki 
     "When I'm with you, there's this romantic feeling. I feel I found my love in you." Said Kyo
     Ayako had it enough. She jumps out of the bushes and slap Kyo hard in his cheek. 
     "Myaka is right. You are a playboy! Never talk to me anymore. I couldn't believe I'm so stupid being with you and plan a marriage. You cheater! Never appear in my sight again." Cried Ayako as she runs off
     (After days crying) 
     "Ayako, we bought your favourite snacks. There is your favourite garlic spicy chicken wings, karaage on rice, fried noodle, calpico, and aloe vera drink." Called mom from downstairs 
     "I'm okay. Be there in a minute." Called Ayako
     After she walks downstairs, her look seems like everything is okay. 
     "You don't have to hide your depression. I know Kyo is such an idiot and moron who cheats on you and play your love. Learn to let go of this past and improve yourself to grow. Every failure is a step towards improvement." Claimed mom
     "You don't have to worry about me. I cut every relation with him. I know being miserable won't help. After I broke up with him, the next day is like a new start." Said Ayako
     "That's good. I also won't get involved in anything that involves that idiot." Claimed mom 
     Suddenly, the bell rings. Mom went to open it and it was Kyo's parents.
     "What do you guys want?! Your son broke my daughter's happiness." Angered mom
     "We just want to say sorry to Ayako. We know Kyo is too desiring and high expectation. We just want to apologize for causing this conflict." Apologized Kyo's parents
     Suddenly, Ayako runs upstairs and grab the teddy bear that Kyo got for her. She give it to his parents.
     "This is the last stuff that involves him." Said Ayako
     "Okay, apology is done. After this mistake, teach your child how to behave and not be greedy." Claimed mom
     At night, Ayako goes wearily on bed. 
     "This consequence is so problematic. Dating is so troublesome. I'm not going to date anymore." Wished Ayako  
     (Back to current period) 
     "Reading what happened in the past is so memorable. Now, I just want to make the teddy bear for Toshihiro for him to cheer up. I don't plan on dating." Thought Ayako
     Ayako folds her bleeding finger with band aid. Next, she gets back to knitting her teddy bear.
     (3 days later) 
     Ayako is at the bubble tea shop drinking her favourite mango green tea and eating matcha cake. Next, she knit the bear. Then, Nagamika appears.
     "What are you making!" Asked Nagamika 
     "Just knitting this bear." Replied Ayako
     "You are so good at it. You should sell that bear." Said Nagamika 
     "No, this is for Toshihiro to sheer him up from his horrible past." Said Ayako
     "Are you in love with him?" Asked Nagamika 
     Ayako stoped, "What are you talking about? I just treat him as a friend." Blushed Ayako
     "Then, why you spend so much time and effort on this bear instead on us?" Asked Nagamika
     Ayako is speechless. 
     "Okay, I won't get involve in your life. Just want to tell your that Komani is fashion designer who designs clothes and stuff animals. Your could learn from her." Suggested Nagamika 
     "Alright, I still have some problems on certain parts." Said Ayako
     She goes to Komani and ask her to help her knitting and sewing. 
     "Seem like you are going to explain your love to Toshihiro." Giggled Komani
     "Why all you guys are thinking the wrong way? Stop fooling around." Said Ayako
     After teaching Ayako for days, she got so much ideas and stylish the bear in her own way.
     (One day)
     "Wow, I finally finish the bear. Now I can give it to Toshihiro. With this greeting card will definitely keep him courageous." Excited Ayako
     Ayako brings the bear to the park that she plans to give it to Toshihiro. She told him last week that she will meet him at the park. Minutes later, Toshihiro arrives.
     "Have you wait too long?" Asked Toshihiro 
     "No, I just got here." Replied Ayako
     "What do you want to do today?" Asked Toshihiro 
     "Remember last time you told me your parents sent you here. In fact, I know you decide to come here was to escape your horrible family. You didn't like them be so traditional and controlling you like a pet. I knew these from Masaku and Ryo." Said Ayako
     "I didn't said the truth because not to let people see negativity of me. This way, I won't scare them away because I suffered child neglect already. Don't want another ignorance to happen." Explained Toshihiro 
     "Here is the bear I made for you. This is to show you have someone by your side supporting you. We are not like those people who only be with positive people. We accept both different personality individuals. People with conflict in life should always be helped." 
     "In fact, I also made a bear for you. This is to thank you for being with me. You're the first girl that stays by my side." Said Toshihiro as he hands her his handmade bear
     "You know how to knit a bear?!" Asked Ayako
     "No, I learnt this from Komani." Replied Toshihiro 
     "No wonder she was being so dramatic to me." Thought Ayako
     "Looks like handing each other bears shows our friendship. Come on, let's go have fun. I'm starting to accept new things to change." Smiled Toshihiro as he grabs her hands and go
     "So glad that he changed so much after the camp with Masaku and Ryo. This is how friends should help each other." Thought Ayako
     They went to Game Center playing coin dozer, basketball shooting, gun shoot, and more. They were having so much fun. Toshihiro was laughing so hard which is the first time Ayako sees. 
     "I'm going to catch that baby seal for you." Said Toshihiro
     Suddenly, Ayako becomes alert. These words were the same words that came from Kyo. 
     "What is this circumstance? I feel like the broken piece is coming back. That time, Kyo caught a bear for me and said he will always love me but end up breaking up so badly. This time, Toshihiro said the same phrase and he gave me a bear which reflects to my previous relationship. I said I won't date anymore. Why this piece kept coming back? Especially, with Toshihiro. I don't want to take this anymore." Thought Ayako
     Toshihiro catches the seal and hands it to Ayako. 
     "You don't have to give it to me. You caught it so you take it. I can catch my own. You already gave me a stuff animal." Rejected Ayako
     "This is to represent a thank you for helping me to make the bear and supporting me." Explained Toshihiro 
     "No, I don't need it. You can give it to someone else. I already have a lot of stuff animals." Cried Ayako as she leaves 
     "What happen to her? She was happy before. Did I do something wrong?" Thought Toshihiro 
     He follows her outside. She is at the cafe across the Game Center. He goes inside to ask what happen. 
     "Ayako, what's wrong. You were happy before. Then, you act strange. You don't like the seal?" Asked Toshihiro 
     "No, I like the baby seal. I just don't like you being so nice to me. We are just friends. I already have the bear you gave me. That is enough." Replied Ayako
     "Is there a story behind it? We're friends, I can help you like you helped me cheer up from my poor background." Said Toshihiro
     "It is very tough. I don't want to share it." Rejected Ayako
     "You told me to be courageous and be open. This way, problems can be solved right away. Now, you act like this which is not what you taught me." Said Toshihiro
     "Okay, I will tell you. I just don't want you to be afflicted." Replied Ayako as Toshihiro listen
     30 minutes later, Ayako told him everything what happened between Kyo and her during high school. She told him how Kyo is a playboy and cheats on her. Moreover, the reason why when she receives the teddy bear, she seems strange. Especially when he said to catch a stuff animal for her. Now, Toshihiro knows everything except the part when she blushed after hearing someone said she loves Toshihiro. 
     "You have a very dramatic background. We are all the same. Now, just forget the past and start a new life. This is the chance to change the habit. If certain actions made you think back, try to get use to it because it will appear again in the future. That playboy is already gone. You should be excited. Don't just decide not to date. Choose what you like and you will find the right guy soon." Explained Toshihiro 
     "You're right. I shall learn to get over it." Replied Ayako
     "I will knit this baby seal to make it stylish and unique. This way, you won't be afflicted. It represent your friends are supporting you." Promised Toshihiro
     "How are you going to turn it into?" Asked Ayako
     "Wait and see." Said Toshihiro
     (A week later) 
     At a fast food store, Myana and Ayako are eating and looking at the magazine.
     "Ayako, can you pass me the juice?" Asked Myana
     However, Ayako is daydreaming and didn't hear her.
     "Ayako!" Yelled Myana
     "Oh! What is it?" Surprised Ayako
     "I've been calling you so many times to pass me the juice." Said Myana
     "Oh, sorry. I was thinking some stuff." Apologized Ayako as she passes the juice to her
     "You've been acting strange recently. What are you daydreaming about?" Asked Myana
     "Toshihiro said he will stylish the stuff baby seal animal. He is showing me how I can cheer up from my previous broken relationship." Answered Ayako
     "You two sure are matched couples. You have him the teddy bear. Now, he will give you the baby seal. What a couple." Giggled Myana
     "Hey, I don't like him! I said I have to take time to decide whether I should date again." Said Ayako
     "You cannot be single forever. Just because of the past made you like this? Be courageous and move on." Said Myana 
     "I am trying. Currently, my love cannot be from Toshihiro. We're just friends." Said Ayako
     "Love starts from being friends." Claimed Myana 
     "My mind is moving all around. Don't want to be afflicted." Said Ayako
     Suddenly, Nagamika calls her to come to her house. 
     "She tells me to come." Said Ayako
     "What could it be." Asked Myana as they leave
     When they got to Nagamika's house. They open the door. Nagamika, Komani, Masaku, and Ryo surprise them. Then, appears Toshihiro carrying a baby seal stuff animals with stylized appearance. They spend the week knitting the animals with colourful strings and bright eyes. 
     "See, I promised we can support you with our strength to represent you have us by your side." Said Toshihiro 
     "Thank you." Cried Ayako as she takes the seal and hugs everyone
     "Is there any words you want to say to Toshihiro?" Giggled Komani
     "My words are thank you for being by my side. We both helped each other to be courageous." Stated Ayako
     "What do you think of him?" Asked Nagamika 
     "You are my great friend." Answered Ayako
     "Toshihiro, what’s your feeling of her?" Asked Masaku
     "Sharing and helping each other is such a gift. You are my great friend." Replied Toshihiro
     "No, you guys know what we mean?" Said Nagamika, Komani, Masaku, and Ryo
     Ayako blushes. She's not ready to get into relationship so fast. 
     "Okay, guys, stop forcing them saying things they are not ready for. Just continue the party." Called Myana 
     "Yeah, let's get ready." Said Ayako as they grab the food from the table
     "Toshihiro, you should say you love her." Whispered Masaku
     "You even made the second scarf to gift her as a present for the winter." Whispered Ryo
     "You're a man. Be initiative." Whispered Nagamika 
     As they continue to whisper, Myana knows what they meant. 
     "Are you going to accept when he said 'I love you'?" Asked Myana
     “You already know? Why you step in and stop the romantic circumstance? By the way, you used to be so dramatic in the past. Recently, you turn into fantasy style. Did something happen to your past? You seem to be no longer interest on dating. I remember there were so many men you could date but you rejected them.” Asked Ayako
     “I’m not preventing you dating Toshihiro. You were struggling which means you are not ready. Keep pushing you is too quick. Just want to give you time to consider. For me, I don’t want to date anymore. Men are liars.” Replied Myana 
     “What happen to your past? You can share it to me. Express your conflict can let us know how to help you.” Said Ayako
     “Let’s go outside and speak.” Said Myana as they sat on the chair in the yard
     Other people follow them and eavesdropping. 
     “It was like this. I met 3 men and date them. We promised to live a better life after planning the wedding.” Continued Myana
     (To be continue)


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